If I have to listen to that elf for one more second...

I made the mistake of reading the news today. I don't know if anyone else knew this, but the world is not composed of cute fuzzy bunnies, candy canes, and singing elves with poorly designed footwear. In other words, the world is not a happy-go-lucky place.

People hurt other people. We all know that. But why do they? They weren’t raised right. They were defending themselves. They woke up on the wrong side of the bed. They got sick and tired of hearing the singing elves and stepping in bunny pellets. There are a slew of reasons, really, but they’re more secondary than primary.

I think the primary reason that people hurt people is that we’re broken. Somewhere, deep inside all of us, there’s a piece missing. So here we are, a bunch of extremely complicated machines running amuck with our “be nice to people” switch sitting on the factory floor. It’s a sorry state of affairs.

I think the missing piece is God. We weren’t designed to run around all by ourselves. We were made to be with God, and the distance we put between Him and us isn’t good for our health. Here’s the part I like: we don’t have to stay broken.

I’m not trying to write a sermon, or preach, or anything like that. I guess the only thing I’m trying to do is point out why I can look at a world with so much pain in it and smile. Not because of bunnies. Not because of elves. But because I have hope that the lot of us, the whole broken, fighting, bleeding lot, can be made whole.

That’s why I get up in the morning.
