An update of sorts

The staff of “It’s Kinda Confusing Right Now” will be on a little needed but much desired vacation over the next five days or so. For those of you who expect timely posts of a humorous or thought provoking nature, I’m afraid that you’ll be disappointed for a bit.

Actually, come to think of it, the posts here at IKCRN have never been timely and only rarely succeed at humor. To my knowledge, the only thoughts this site have generated tend to be along the lines of:

“This is why real authors get published on paper.”

“Martha, look at this site. This guy writes like little Billy. I told you that an IQ of 60 wouldn’t keep our little Billy down.”

“English obviously isn’t the author’s first language.”

or (my personal favorite)

“This site is proof positive that the world would be a better place if some people were censored.”

So, I guess, if you’re expecting timely humorous posts that make you think, you’ve really come to the wrong place anyway.

In the words of a wise man who once offered me his condolences in a time of grief, “Get used to disappointment.”


The Management


Ah bummer! But I'm kind of taking leave too....I think. Depends on how easy it is to stay away. :D