Fun with vocab

As a change of pace, I've decided to provide for your reading pleasure the proper definition of a common word. Most people use the dictionary definition of the word which is horribly, horribly wrong. So, as a service to humanity, I've decided to shed some light on what the word in question really means.

The wrong definition (provided by Merriam Webster's on-line dictionary):
Welding: to unite (metallic parts) by heating and allowing the metals to flow together.

The right definition (provided by me):
Welding: A magical procedure that joins two separate metallic parts while creating cracks, distorting both parts, and generally rendering both parts completely $%&*! useless.

And now you know.


Ha! My husband's a welder. I'm so glad he's under the impression that Webster's dictionary is right or else we'd have a hard time getting food on the table.

btw, do NOT write a post about the thinking blog award unless you'd just like to share with people that you continue to receive them. I don't want any acknowledgement (sp?) from my end.
MM said…
Well, being bitter against a piece of metal has always proven practical and effective.
Tom said…

I'm glad you understand.