Questions that I don’t have answers to

I don’t really have much time to write today, so I thought I’d ask questions that I couldn’t answer well if I had the time. Feel free to let me know if you have answers. I'm a big fan of answers.

-Is it right for me, as a Christian, to accumulate wealth while others starve?

-Does driving by a beggar on a street corner without stopping make me a bad person?

-If I cannot be separated from Christ by height, depth, angels, demons, or anything else in creation, what does it take to lose salvation?

-Why don’t we hear about more miracles today? Is it because they don’t happen or we just don’t hear about them?

-If we really believe in heaven, why do Christians mourn the death of other Christians? If the reason is we mourn our personal loss, why don’t we mourn as hard when a person moves far away?

-If the American dream really is just a large house, family, and white picket fence, why do Christians embrace it so readily? Where does Christ fall into that picture?


MM said…
Tom, those are questions I've asked myself and I want to answer them, but first I wanted to say regarding that post you responded to, that I wrote it because I've prayed for three years for God to help me write a book-- a book I really need to write because it has the potential to free some people who are not free. I'm frequently overwhelmed as a mother, and because of that, I barely get to write, let alone discipher the world of getting published.

Recently two different people approached me asking how they could help. I call that an answer to prayer, a push, a pulse, a force outside of me that has given my faith that boost to keep on believing, even if it is only for selfish reasons.
MM said…
1. No. Though excessive wealth will only drive you to despair and boredome. "Feed me with food convenient for me." We are meant to be satiated, but not drowned in wealth.
2. One must give out of their abundance. If we do not have, we cannot give, whether it be time,money or whatever. God asked Moshe what was in his hand and he said "a stick." or a "rod." That was it. GOd used it. USe what God has given you, but don't run up a credit card of time and emotions.
3. It says "NOTHING can separate us from the love of Christ."
4.I hear about miricles every day. I look for them, hope for them, and when they come, I often miss them.
5. I know plenty of people who don't mourn in that sense. THey miss the person, but they rejoice. I've been to funerals which were "celebrations of life." Personally, I have to feel sadness in order to feel happiness, so I do mourn. I see evidence of mourning on Jesus' part, as well.
6. This one I struggle with. At this point, I have none of those things, butI am relatively happy- regardless of what comes through in my writing. I had a deeply sad and disturbed childhood and plenty of reason to turn atheistic. I look at those harshly and realistically because I have to. But I'm fairly happy. I have a lot to look forward to. I've figured out the basic things that make me happy (such as writing, being a mother, eating and living well) and the other stuff is just extra. Christ or God, whichever term you prefer, is the giver of our desires, which fuel our gifts. Seeking and cultivating those gifts pleases him, and us, Thus forming the love relationship between Christ and the Bride.

OKay, Pastor? I'm off my soapbox now.